Kerala University 2nd Supplementary Allotment 2020 - Check 2nd Supplementary Allotment

Kerala University 2nd Supplementary Allotment 2020 - Check 2nd Supplementary Allotment, Kerala University 2nd Supplementary Allotment Result, Supplementary Allotment 2020 Results
Kerala University Second (2nd) Supplementary Allotment Result 2020 -
Kerala University Second Supplementary Allotment Result 2020 published
Kerala University Second Supplementary Allotment Result 2020 published Today at The candidates who are included in the 2nd supplementary allotment result should report to the allotted University school on or before on or before the specified time. Candidates can check their 2nd supplementary allotment result at by using the application number and date of birth.
How to Check Kerala University Supplementary allotment results
1. Visit the webste site
2. Click on the link "Second Supplementary Allotment Result"
3. Type Your Application Number and Date Of Birth and Click on submit button
4. Check the Allotment status
5. Take print out of Allotment Letter
Kerala University Second Supplementary Allotment Result 2020 published
Check Kerala University PG First Allotment 2020
Alloted students must report to the alloted school to take permanent admission on or before the specified date with all certificates and allotment letter.
Reporting at the College: Candidates who get allotment will have to report before the Principal/Head of the College/Institution concerned for admission on the dates notified, with the following documents:
Print out of completed online application generated by the Candidate.
Fee receipt (Original copy) towards Registration fee
Allotment Memo (Latest)
Kerala University Second Supplementary Allotment Result 2020 published
Original marklist of the qualifying examination
Fee Receipt(Original Copy)towards special fee affiliation, matriculation, recognition, eligibility fee
Certificate to prove date of birth
TC from the Institution last attended
Course & Conduct Certificate
Original Community Certificate/BPL Certificate
Income certificate in the case of SEBC/ OEC candidates.
Original certificates to prove the claim for grace marks, if any.
Eligibility certificate from the University of Kerala in case of candidates who have passed qualifying examination other than HSE/ VHSE conducted by Government of Kerala or the examination conducted by CBSE and ISE.
Kerala University Second Supplementary Allotment Result 2020 published
Any other relevant certificate for any claim made in the application.
Kerala University Degree Admission 2020
Fee to be paid to the University on allotment
On securing allotment, the candidates have to remit the University admission fee mentioned in clause 9 through online mode (e-payment) only in the, "Allotment" page of valid applicant's homepage in the website ( A printout of the payment receipt should be taken and the same should be kept safely and to be submitted to the Principal at the time of admission. The candidate without the payment receipt will not be allowed to join the college. The candidates should keep the payment receipt after verification in the college. It will be required for further allotments, if any.
Cancellation/Activation of options after the first allotment
Candidates who remit the fee after first allotment within the prescribed time will have the facility to cancel/activate their higher options before the second allotment during a specified period which will be notified.
After the first allotment, the options below the "allotted one" of the candidate will automatically be removed from the option list of the candidate. For example, if a candidate had registered 20 options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 10th option, all options from 11 to 20 will be automatically removed from the option list. Options from 1 to 9 will remain valid and will be considered for future allotments. He/she may cancel/activate any options among the remaining options as per his/her choice. But the candidate will not be permitted to register any fresh options to the existing ones
Existing options registered by the candidate, available in the Home Page, can be cancelled one by one by clicking the“CANCEL”button shown against each option or all higher options can be cancelled by clicking “CANCEL ALL HIGHER OPTIONS” button, if the candidate desires so. Option once cancelled can be activated again using “ACTIVATE”button, within a specified time period.
If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered again for further allotment(s), he/she must cancel all the remaining higher options. A candidate retaining all or any of his/her higher options after an allotment, is bound to accept the new allotment, if any, failing which, he/she will lose the existing allotment as well as the new allotment; moreover he/she will not be considered for any further allotments.8.4.4The facility for cancellation/activation of options will be available during the notified period only.
Downloading Allotment memo
After the secondallotment, candidates can Login to their homepage using their application number and password for downloading the memo (Allotment memo can be downloaded only by those candidates who have remitted the University admission fee as per clause 8.3). Using the link "Allotment" the applicant can view his/her allotment details andcan download the allotment memo which has to be produced before the Principal at the time of admission.The allotment memo will show the personal details, the college, the Programme to which the candidate is allotted and the date of reporting to the college for taking admission.
Fee to be remitted in colleges at the time of admission
Apart from the feealready remitted to the Universityas per Clause 9, the fee applicable to the programme /institution has tobe remitted to the college at the time of admission.
The fee due to the colleges shall not be levied in advance from candidates belonging to SC/ST, OEC and also from candidates who get OEC educational assistance.
All candidates (including SC/ST/OEC) will haveto pay the “Caution Deposit” during admission as per rules.
PTA fund shall not be compulsorily levied from SC/ST candidates.
Verification of Documents
The Principal/Head of the Institution shall be personally responsible for verification and satisfaction of the correctness of the records produced by the candidate at the time of admission in the College/Institution. The candidates should fulfill the eligibility criteria at the time of online registration and all relevant documents mentioned under clause 10 shall be submitted at the respective colleges during the time of admission.
Failure to report for Admission
Candidates who do not take admission on the prescribed date and time in the allotted college will lose their admission and they will not be considered for further allotments.
Cancellation of Higher Options after joining a college
Candidates who joined the college on the date specified,can either cancel their remaining options fully or partially or change the priority of their remaining options before the date specified as per the procedure specified in Clause.If not interested in any further allotments,all the higher options may be cancelled before the date specified,failing which,the options that remain valid will be considered for further allotment
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