LBS BSc Nursing/Paramedical Third (3rd) Allotment 2019

LBS BSc Nursing/Paramedical Third (3rd) Allotment Result 2019, LBS Kerala Nursing / Paramedical 3rd Allotment Result 2019, Paramedical Third (3rd) Allotment,,, BSc Nursing Third Allotment, Kerala Paramedical 3rd Allotment Result 2019.
Kerala LBS BSc Nursing/ Para Medical Third (3rd) Allotment Result 2019 will be declared on 25-8-2019. LBS Third Allotment Result 2019 for Admission to Professional Degree Courses 2019-20 in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams expected to be published on August 25th, 2019. B.Sc Nursing, B.Sc (MLT), B.Sc. Perfusion Technology, B.Sc.(Optometry), B.P.T, B.A.S.L.P., B.C.V.T. courses Third (3rd) allotment result can check from
Kerala LBS Paramedical/ BSc Nursing Third (3rd) Allotment Result 2019
LBS Paramedical/ BSc Nursing Third (3rd) Allotment Result 2019 will be published on 25.8.2019. Candidates who got an allotment should remit the prescribed fee in Federal Bank or through online on 26.8.2019 and 27.8.2019. Those who got allotment in 3rd allotment should report in the respective colleges for admission on or before 27.08.2019.
The LBS paramedical/nursing Third allotment result 2019 will be published at The allotment result of a candidate can be seen in the Home page (Login) of the candidate. It will show the College & Course to which the candidate is allotted. After check the allotment result candidates can download the allotment memo. The memo will show the personal details, the college and the course to which the candidate is allotted to and the fee to be remitted. This Memo has to be produced in the bank for remitting the required fee.
The prescribed fee for the course will have to be remitted through any federal bank branches in Kerala or through online payment, as per the time schedule prescribed (26.8.2019 and 27.8.2019). Those candidates who fail to remit the fee on or before the date specified will lose their current allotment as well as the eligibility for further allotments except for spot allotments, if any conducted.
LBS BSc Nursing / Paramedical Third Allotment 2019
LBS Nursing/Paramedical 3rd Allotment 2019
Candidates who got an allotment should remit the prescribed fee in Federal Bank on or before 27.08.2019 failing which they will lose their current allotment as well as the eligibility for further allotments except for spot allotment.
After the third allotment admission the remaining vacant seats are filled by Spot allotment. LBS Spot allotment admission date and venue details are available at LBS site.
How to check LBS Paramedical/ BSc Nursing / BPharm 3rd Allotment 2019 Result
Enter the site
Click on the link"Professional Degree Courses (Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams)-2019"
Login by using the Application number
Check the allotment result
Download the allotment memo
College wise allotment result also available through the link "Collegewise Allotment List"
More details visit:
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