Covid 19 Vaccination in Kerala for People of 18+ Years - Online Registration Started

Covid 19 Vaccination in Kerala for the People of 18+ Years begins. The online registration for Covid vaccination started. The people should register in Kerala government website to get priority in Covid vaccination drive. Covaxin, Covishield vaccination registration, 18+ vaccination registration, Paid and free vaccination.
Covid 19 Vaccination in Kerala
Kerala government has started the vaccination drive for the people of 18+ age group from May 17th. The people should complete the registration for covid-19 vaccination through the cowin web site After the cowin registration they could register their names in Kerala government vaccination registration web site to get the vaccination priority. They would need to upload the supporting documents to get eligibility in Vaccination priority..Only the residents of Kerala will get approval for vaccination priority through this web site
How to Apply for Vaccination Online Registration
It is mandatory to register online for vaccination in India. So all the people should have to register their names in the official web site for Covid-19 vaccination.
Steps to register online for vaccination
1. Visit the web site
2. Click on Register link or directly go to the link
3. Enter the Mobile number and Click on Get OTP button
4. You will get OTP in you mobile. Enter this OTP in the field and submit.
5. The Online Registration is done and you will get a SMS notification in your mobile with reference number.
6. You could schedule the vaccination in your location based on availability of the vaccine in your location or nearest vaccination center. The vaccination scheduling can be done anytime after the registration. When the scheduling is done successfully you will get the confirmation message with the details of vaccination.
7. After the vaccination registration in cowin website, visit the kerala vaccination web site This registration is meant only for Comorbid Personnel in the age group between 18 to 44 years
8. Enter the mobile number and submit
9. Enter the OTP that recieved in your mobile and submit
10. You could upload the required supporting document in this portal to claim your vaccination priority.
11. Enter all the required information that is relevent to you for this application and do a final submit.
12. You will get the SMS notification about this registration on your mobile. The health department will check the furnished information in district level and will give the approval for the eligible application. The message of approval will be sent to your mobile.
13. You can check the status of this application later from this web site by using your mobile number login
Click here for Covid 19 COWIN Registration
Click here for Vaccination Registration in Kerala
Covaxin vaccination, Covishield vaccination, Covid Vaccination in Kerala, Covid vaccination registration, Vaccination scheduling details, Vaccination dates in Kerala